Ways To Give
There are many different ways you can give to our furry friends! We are always in need of supplies and we’re constantly hosting different fundraisers. You can also give by making a monetary donation and we’ll put that towards the care and needs of the animals!

Cocoa Campus Rebuild
We are currently raising funds for this very badly needed renovation and are reaching out to our friends for assistance in raising the resources.

General Donations help the Brevard Humane Society care for homeless pets until safe and healthy homes can be found for them.

If you love animals and want to support them with a fundraiser, there are many ways to contribute!

Wish List
Please help our animals by donating an item or two from our Wish List!
All contributions made to the Brevard Humane Society are tax deductible.

Memorials &
Making a gift in tribute of a person, animal or special occasion is a wonderful way to show you care about your loved ones and the animals at the Brevard Humane Society.

Lasting Legacy
Your legacy will help the Brevard Humane Society save the lives of homeless animals, help us to advocate on their behalf, and sustain our agenda to drive change moving forward.