Planned Giving

Bequests & Planned Giving

A simple, flexible and versatile provision that will ensure we can continue our work for years to come. By including the Central Brevard Humane Society in your will or living trust, you are turning your generosity into a lifetime of compassion.

At the Brevard Humane Society, we want to honor your legacy and ensure that it will do exactly what you intend it to do. Your gift can specify a certain dollar amount, name a specific asset such as land or stock, or you can elect to donate just a percentage of your estate. Your will or trust is also a powerful way to provide for the future of homeless animals in our community by denoting a specific purpose, or leave it up to us to bst determine where your money will do the most good.

paw print It is our recommendation that you always consult with your legal and/or financial advisor on how to best structure your will or trust to benefit the animals and your estate. If you are interested in having your Will done for FREE (with your bequest going to the Central Brevard Humane Society), please contact: Tom Yardley at (321) 633-0400.